• Worx4U Call Center

    The 2013 /2014 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) position in the DPW has been characterised by numerous call centres and help desks scattered nationally, both outside and within the DPW, operated or outsourced at very high costs.

    These include ICT (from State Information Technology Agency - SITA), Facilities Management (FM) D2D (from Advance Call), Re a Patala (for Supply Chain Management - SCM), Sage Payments (for Finance), Private Call Centre for Prestige (in Cape town), CGO Maintenance, Operation Bring/Take Back (OBB) (Government Amnesty Call Centre for Immovable Assets), Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), Repair And Maintenance Programme (RAMP), Lifts, Phone (landline and cell contract for internal staff) Queries, Anti-Fraud and Corruption reporting and switchboard (calls routing) operators at Head Office (H/O), all Regional Offices (R/O) and others.

    Goals and/or objectives of the Worx4U Call Centre
    • Create a Customer National Operating Centre (CNOC) environment with the skills, processes and good culture to deliver up to or above standard, continuously improving services
    • Increase customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty by availing CRM services 24/7/365
    • Automate operational process according to best practices and provide smooth and quick turnaround times
    • Create more work opportunities through the employment of Call Centre staff country wide
    • Enhance the possibilities of extending these services to other Government Departments and Organizations and explore potential of new revenue streams.
    Worx4U Call Centre Entry Points

      Tel: 012 – 406 1620 / 0800 782 542

      Email: worx4usupport@dpw.gov.za

    Fax: 086 272 8688 linked to worx4usupport@dpw.gov.za

    Worx4U Call Centre Operational Hours
